Does celecoxib potentiate the anticoagulant effect of warfarin? A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.
Awake surgery for WHO Grade II gliomas within “noneloquent” areas in the left dominant hemisphere: toward a “supratotal” resection.
Yordanova YN, Moritz-Gasser S, Duffau H. Awake surgery for WHO Grade I...
Neurocognitive function before and after surgery for insular gliomas.
Wu AS, Witgert ME, Lang FF, Xiao L, Bekele BN, Meyers CA, et al. Neuro...
The role of Harvey Cushing and Walter Dandy in the evolution of modern neurosurgery in the Netherlands, illustrated by their correspondence.
オランダでの現代脳神経外科発展におけるHarvey CushingとWalter Dandyの功績 オランダでの現代脳神経外科の発展は192...
Hypoxia-induced autophagy promotes tumor cell survival and adaptation to antiangiogenic treatment in glioblastoma.
A Trial of Intracranial-Pressure Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury....
IDH1 and IDH2 Mutations in Gliomas
神経膠腫における IDH1 と IDH2 の変異背 景膠芽腫(世界保健機関 グレード IV の神経膠腫)に関する最近のゲノムワイド変異解析...
セレコックスとワーファリン併用時のINRに及ぼす影響についての報告RESEARCH REPORTS Anticoagulation Does...
Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging at 3-T using a dual independent operating room-magnetic resonance imaging suite: development, feasibility, safety, and preliminary experience.
Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging at 3-T using a dual independ...
GradeII 島回神経膠腫51症例の手術経験に基づいた進歩と限界
GradeII 島回神経膠腫51症例の手術経験に基づいた進歩と限界Hugues Duffau,目的:島回手術経験は殆ど報告がない。そのうえ、...